Showing category "fly-on-the-farmhouse-wall" (Show all posts)

Moving Day!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, August 4, 2012,
*As of August 4, 2012, this site will no longer be active. You will be able to view it, but I've decided to make a move to a new blog! Come on over to Dirt on my Boots to catch up!*
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Lessons from summer

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, August 2, 2012, In : beginning of school 
According to the calendar there are still several days of summer. However, as a teacher, my summer has come to a close. Yesterday found me in my classroom, hands on hips, scanning the space with excitement. Every year I change things, rearrange, and try out new ideas. After six years, I'm finally getting to the point where I know what I'm doing and when I'm doing it. I admire one of my teammates who, it seems, at the snap of her fingers can have her room exactly like she wants it. HOW!? I ask...
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Zucchini "apple" pie

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, July 27, 2012, In : food 
I've been talking about this pie for a few days now and how I was going to make it... (heck, I've been talking about zucchini for, what, like a month now?) I must say, I was somewhat afraid to make it. What if it was gross? What if I waste my ingredients on something I'm not going to eat? Then, I looked at the pile of zucchini on the counter and thought, "Seriously? What is it going to hurt?" 

Since I was going to visit with my teacher friend and watch some Whole Brain Teaching videos (we've b...
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Back to school! Almost...

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, July 26, 2012, In : canning 
Our carpets at school have been cleaned which means we have the green light to get back to work. Every year I always say how much I don't want to go back to school... until I see my schoolroom. In the moment I see it, I want to jump in the air, click my heels, and squeal with delight. I love teaching. There's no way around it. It is what I was born to do and no matter how wonderful a summer may be, or how terrible a school year could be, I can't wait to get back to work! My teacher friend met...
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Relishing zucchini

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, In : canning 
Pun intended. Here's what I just posted to Facebook:
  "The last three weeks our zucchini plants have been LOADED. I have made zucchini bread, zucchini chocolate muffins, zucchini pie, zucchini patties, zucchini fries, zucchini brownies, zucchini medallions, breaded zucchini, sauteed zucchini, and, today, zucchini relish (which smells fabulous! it's in the water bath as I type!). My favorite of all these recipes? The brownies. Hands down. Tomorrow, I'm trying a zucchini "apple" pie. Gotta get...
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Re-purposed pallet - Rabbit Hutch!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Monday, July 23, 2012, In : rabbits 
I told y'all I was going to do it. I was going to make a rabbit hutch from a pallet my Daddy had saved for me. Well, I finished it on Friday and I'm ready to show you. It still has a little bit of work left on it, such as doors and a couple of tiny holes to fill in to keep the bunnies from getting out. But, for the most part, it's d-o-n-e! The only parts that I used that weren't from the pallet were the wire (that stuff can be nasty! Be sure to always wear gloves when handling it), 4x4 scraps...
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Sunday lunch from the garden

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Sunday, July 22, 2012, In : food 

Firstly, let me say that I have so many things to talk about that sometimes it's hard to just pick one to blog about! I need to start making a list! I still have to share with you my rabbit hutch I made this week (completely from a pallet! WHAT! WHAT!) but I'm going to have to save that for tomorrow's barn hop because I just made a lunch that was totally blog-worthy.

I never fry things myself. I'm scared of it... and it's bad for you... but I'm more afraid of getting burnt (yes, I know that's ...

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Beginning of school fun!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, July 19, 2012, In : beginning of school 
It's that time of summer when I begin to feel crazily excited about the beginning of school. I am much more excited as a teacher than I ever was as a student! I have my little list of names and can't help but love them even if I don't know who they are. What I do know is they are coming to my classroom for a reason. Each and everyone of them were put there for a purpose and I can't wait to start getting to know them! EEEEE!! MY BABIES!! Can you tell I love teaching? 

So, to get ready for schoo...
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Waste not want not: How I got a milking stand

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, July 17, 2012, In : goats 
Or you could say, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." As a teacher, I have learned to look at trash in a whole new way. No longer does any egg carton go in the trash. They are used to make my egg carton games... which my students love (When our chickens start laying I'll have to figure something out). Milk jugs become containers and those awesome sandwich meat things?! Don't get me started! What seems as trash to the untrained eye, is indeed treasure to a person with a little imagina...
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The goat house!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Monday, July 16, 2012, In : goats 
Mister and I had talked about rotating our goats from pasture to pasture and/or letting them browse in the woods. Well, for a week we tied them off on strong dog leads and let them eat their favorite and our nemesis, privet. Ugh, privet is an invasive invasive species and if you live in Georgia you have tons of it running rampant in your woods, in your yard, wherever. 


I know some peopl...
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My Daddy's Daughter

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Sunday, July 15, 2012, In : gardening 
I'm the baby. No, let me type that a different way. I'm The Baby. That's what my Daddy calls me. That, or Teacher Girl, but The Baby came first. I had to get that out there because now I have a story to tell. It might take a while, so bear with me.

Last night I went with some friends of mine to a livestock auction. We. Had. A. Blast. No kidding. But there was one thing that struck me while we were there. It had hardly anything to do with the auction... it had to do with memories and a little b...
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Bugs, technology, and those stinkin' goats

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, July 12, 2012, In : gardening 

You know that feeling when you've completed your blog post and you want to change one tiny thing and you end up clicking something you didn't mean to and it erases the whole thing? Yeah? Good. Then you know how I feel right now. Let me just start over. Eesh.

Yesterday, I read this post over at On Just a Couple Acres about killing squash bugs. Now, if the words bug and kill are in the same title, then I want to read it. And not until I read this post did I realize what was eating my squash plan...

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Zucchini overload... and a sneak peek!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Wednesday, July 11, 2012, In : homework 

I love zucchini. It just may be my favorite vegetable. It is so versatile and adds great moistness and flavor to any dish. So, when I discovered ANOTHER giant zucchini this week (you'd think I would learn to lift those leaves by now) I decided it was time to do more than just the ol' saute method. I ended up with four cups of shredded zucchini from this one bad boy. I was able to make two loaves of zucchini bread and a recipe of zucchini patties with it! Look! It measured 12 and a half inches...

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Pick a peck of pickled peppers

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Monday, July 9, 2012, In : canning 
I'm not exactly sure what a "peck" is, but dang I've got peppers running out of my ears! I've stuffed them into peaches, I've put them in with my stewed tomatoes, and I've given some to my Daddy, who loves anything spicy. I still have left overs! My Mister loves hot and spicy things, too. I mean, he did marry me, didn't he? Heehee. I know, I'm too much. 

Well, Mister requested that I pickle some. So, I turned to the Blue Book for help. I already messed up some cucumber pickles since I didn't h...
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Tomatoes and okra... together at last

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, July 7, 2012, In : canning 

First, before I tell you allll about my latest canning adventure, allow me some advertising time. Amy over at Homestead Revival is doing a Sizzling Summer Give-Away each day until July 14th! I've loved getting up everyday and running to see what she's posting next. The best part is reading about bloggers and vendors I've never heard of before. Today's give away is from Timber Press. Head over to the Homestead Revival to check it out!

This week I canned bacon, hotdogs (I know, why in heaven...

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Fitness Friday

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, July 6, 2012,

Ew. Fitness. NO! Don't think that way! Fitness is a great thing, right!? I have a short fitness tip today. As a matter of fact that's what my tip is! Being fast, squeezing in a workout when you can, and filling little time slots throughout the day with a mini-workout. You can easily burn 100 calories in as little as ten minutes. Not only that, but you can bust up those ten minutes and do a little here and there. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's a start. Getting a little workout in ...

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You know it's summer...

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, June 30, 2012,

when your counter has a watermelon and peanuts on it! Oh, yes! Summer isn't summer without watermelons and boiled peanuts. My mister brought both home this week. Well, he brought home green peanuts, which he promptly put in the boiler and babied for a couple of days. Then, since he thinks I'm Wonder Woman (I try to tell him I'm not, but he just won't believe me) he wanted me to can them.

Now, if you've ever store bought boiled peanuts you hate them. Or at least you should, because...

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Fitness Friday: Strut your stuff

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, June 29, 2012,
Now that we're alllll out for summer, hopefully (please, don't tell me there are still some of you out there still teaching!), we should all have the time to start an exercise routine. Summer is a great time to start. My best advice I can give you is start doing something you enjoy and do it at the time you would do it even if you were in school. Go ahead, imagine you were still busy as ever teaching, and think of a time you could squeeze in fitness. If you start now, then you won't have an e...
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Posted by Amateur Teacher on Wednesday, June 27, 2012,
I. am. addicted. Yes! There, I admit it! I am addicted to teaching blogs... and homesteading blogs (I love those, too). I'd rather peruse blogs than watch tv. Seriously. I hardly watch tv. Who has the time when there are awesome sites like Teaching Blog Addict and Teaching Blog Central out there?

Those two blogs provide links to a countless number of resources created by fellow teachers. Sometimes, I think I'm the worst teacher in the world after reading some of these blogs! How can people so...
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Monday Motivation

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Monday, June 25, 2012,

How about some motivation this Monday? I know it's summer and a lot of us have finally finished up our 2011-2012 school year, but some of us (like me) may have had a tough year. So, I thought, "Hey! Why not post a little something something for encouragement?!" I know, I know. I am sooooo amazing. Yeah, right.

Anyways, how many of you out there have a shelf devoted to teachery things people have given you as gifts? How many of you ever look at that shelf? How many of you see little devotionals...

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Finding some pleasure

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, June 21, 2012,
"The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." - Jane Austen

Oh, Jane! How right you are! (Side note here: If you know me, then you know that I can and will compare any life event to any given Austen novel at any given time. Now I can continue...) I have had plenty of pleasure in good novels the last two weeks. While on vacation last week, I took along my Nook... but it stopped working. Or so I thought. It had, in fact, ran out of batte...
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Back to (ab)normal

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Monday, June 18, 2012,
I know it's been a while, y'all. However, the break from blogging has been an enjoyable one. My Mr. and I got to go the Land of 10,000 Lakes to visit his Dad and Step-Mom. We had a blast! I got to walk across the Mississippi (which I didn't know was evn possible), try rhubarb pie (which is delicious), and visit a handful of small-towns-USA that absolutely made my heart squeal. After a nine day trip to the cool mid-west, it was time to come back home to heat and humidity.

As I've told y'all be...
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You can't run and you can't hide

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, June 7, 2012,
Well, maybe you can... but kids will still find you. I've been enjoying summer time type things such as playing with the pets, gardening, etc. Today, I went to the nearby bike trail for ten miles of good ol' exercise. It was fabulous! When it's too hot to run I'm glad I've got my bike. Taking it on two wheels in the summer can be much cooler than taking it on two legs!

One problem I have, however, is that I wear glasses. Another problem is that I am cheap and settle for plain ol' sunglasses in...
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Fitness Friday: You never forget...

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, June 1, 2012,

They say you never forget how to ride a bike. I can vouch for that since mine has been in the basement since about November, poor thing. This week, however, I busted it out and took it for a spin. I love that thing and I love, love, love zooming it along on the pavement. I have a hybrid and, technically, it's aproved for dirt or pavement... I've tried dirt and, let me tell you, I approve it for pavement only. Yeah... anyways...

Biking is absolutely great for your body! It burns calories, it st...

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I think I "can"

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, May 29, 2012,
Summer offers the perfect opportunity to pick up and learn a new hobby. This summer it was my (and my husband's for me, heh heh) goal to learn to can. Early this year we purchased a pressure canner and with each weekly grocery store run, we've added to our stockpile of canning equipment such as jars, tongs, powders, and what have you. Well, today was the day. It was "our" (you know, MY) first trial run. I enlisted the help of my summer time partner in crime, my nine year old nephew, to get it...
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Fitness Friday! It's summer. Do I have to?

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, May 25, 2012,
I must say, I am proud of myself. I got up early this morning and ran with a friend. We have been running consistently over the last few months, but the last week of school wreaks havoc on any well set and well followed schedule; be it for the school day or your own personal time. After a week of putting our daily workouts on the back burner, we were back at it this morning and it felt great!

After the school hours offered the perfect time to workout. We held each other accountable and made e...
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How about a post completely unrelated to school? Oh, yes!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, May 25, 2012,
That's exactly what this is. A post that has NOTHING to do with school. Why? Because today was my very first official day of summer vacation and I do not, under any circumstances, have to even THINK about school stuff. Although, I did look at school stuff on Pintrest, dang it. I guess you never really can get away from it, huh? So, what did I do today?

1. I watered the garden.
2. I planted herbs.
3. I sat down because I wanted to.
4. I went to the bathroom as many times as I needed to. Let me tel...
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Fitness Friday: Starting Small

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, May 18, 2012,
First, let me say: SCHOOL IS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!! WOOT!

With that said, it's a perfect segue into this article on the home page of SparkPeople (y'all know how much I love SparkPeople). The article talks about starting small when beginning a fitness routine of any sort. During the summer my music teacher friend and I love going to a nearby lake, bike trail, and fitness loop to do what we call "mini tri's." We love it, but I"m sure we look like fools as we try our best at swimming, then biking, a...
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Check yo'self before you wreck yo'self

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, May 18, 2012,
I have a student that cries everyday. For real. Every. Day. Why? It's as simple as me telling her to do something. "Sweetie, it's 8:00 and your book bag is still in the middle of the floor. Please, follow directions quickly and put it away." "I WAS ABOUT TO! WAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" That is how at least two out of the five mornings go in our room. The class knows she is a cry baby and I see 17 pairs of eyes roll at the sound of the familiar whining fit pitching. The thing that frustrates me ...
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Last week of school sale!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Monday, May 14, 2012,
I am typing this at 5:45 in the morning. Crazy? Maybe. Happy? Yes. Today is the last Monday for this school year. Tomorrow will be the last Tuesday, Wednesday the last Wednesday... you get my point. IT'S THE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL. I am so stinkin' excited I decided to throw a sale in my TpT store in honor of this most wonderful of weeks.

It's not that I don't love my class. I do. But, I'll tell you right now that with the year I've had this year, ain't nobody going to be more thrilled than this...
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Fitness Friday... eesh

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, May 12, 2012,
Friday was Field Day. Really, I could stop my blog right there. Does more really need to be said? If you've been following me this year, then you know it's been a tough year. I thought, "We're going to be outside all day. There's no way we can't have a good time!" Boy, was I w-r-o-n-g. It was the worst. Horrible. Terrible. No good. Very bad. I felt like Alexander. They fought over who won, they fought over who had the ball, over who didn't have the ball, over who got looked at wrong, over cal...
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Mothers Day and madness

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, May 10, 2012,

Ok, so this is my FOURTH attempt at blogging tonight! My computer has been extremely uncooperative or who knows what reason and it has me ready to pitch a glorified fit! AGH! *insert fists and scowl and gritted teeth here.* I think Someone may be trying to teach me a lesson in patience... which is something that is in VERY short supply these last seven days of school. But, besides complain about how HORRIBLE my day was, I really wanted to show you the Mothers Day craft we got done in less tha...
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Fitness Friday... er, Monday?

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, May 8, 2012,
Ok, ok, so I totally forgot about my promise to have a fitness Friday. Mostly because I was busy playing in the garden Friday. Which leads me to my fitness tip! GARDENING! It's spring time and everyone wants to be outside. It's also time for people to put the finishing touches on their gardens. Why not make it part of your fitness routine? Did you know that raking and digging can burn up to 500 calories an hour?! How about that?
So if you want to trade in your spandex for a spade for a day or...
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Paint, splinters, and Class! Yes!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, May 4, 2012,
We've been dumpster diving the last two weeks. Seriously. In honor of Earth Day (which is a holiday I totally think is bogus-that's just my two cents, but I'm not going there), we read The Lorax. And in honor of The Lorax, we have been recycling, reducing, and reusing our trash to make our own little Seuss-villes. Milk cartons, juice boxes, toilet paper rolls, you name it, are all in the process of being transformed into little towns complete with community buildings, houses, water sources, f...
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Fitness Friday: Strength in numbers

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, April 28, 2012,
Call it cliche, but there truly is strength in numbers. The more people joining a cause the more change they can make. I've mentioned before that our school does a "Biggest Loser" contest. It was to last until the week before Spring Break. Now that Spring Break has come and gone, several of those "losers" ease back into their pre-loser lifestyles. But when you have people to hold you accountable for what you do and what you put in your mouth, it's easier to stick to the goals you make.

My tea...
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See!? I told you it was going to be great!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, April 27, 2012,
Shhh... don't tell, but I'm supposed to be trying to conquer this mound of papers. Ugh, I haven't gotten this far behind in grading since, since, since... yeah, you get my point. A goal I have been succeeding at this year was staying on top of grades. Not this week. Not this girl. Nope. I mean, I haven't even rolled out of bed before 6:05 in two weeks. And, if you know me, that is L-A-T-E. However, that is what the last three weeks of school does to you. It makes you do things you wouldn't no...
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Fitness Friday

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, April 20, 2012,
So, I'm thinking for motivation on days I don't feel like blogging, I'll make a goal to have at least one themed day a week. I'm going to start this goal with a Fitness Friday. Our school does a Biggest Loser competition and ours just ended the week before Spring Break. I don't know why I joined, exactly. I am 5' 1" and weigh a whopping 130 lbs. short and stocky to say the least. I have never been an athletic person, but I have loved playing sports all my life... it's just with a 5' 1" frame,...
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Lord, help us

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Wednesday, April 18, 2012,
I know I'm not the only teacher going to bed at 8 o'clock tonight. It just isn't possible. If you had a day like mine, then you are counting down the minutes to the most reasonable, unembarrass-ing time to hit the sack. Truth is, I AM EXHAUSTED. Like, can't hold my head up exhausted, have a headache exhausted, somebody asked me to attend an after school meeting in their stead and I wanted to cry right then and there exhausted, or the next kid that touches me is going to get a black eye exhaus...
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Draw then write... then watch the teacher pull her hair out

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, April 17, 2012,
No, not really... although it is quite tempting at times after reading your little sweeties' rough drafts and thinking to yourself, "Seriously? You are in second grade and you use the word "good" in every flippin' sentence? You are eight for crying out loud! Where's your imagination?!" Oi. And now that the end of school is almost out getting them to write anything besides their name is a miraculous event in and of itself.
To make this easier on all of us, I pulled out an old book I "inherited...
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Springy Things

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Wednesday, April 4, 2012,
I am on Spring Break this week. And instead of going on about how it makes me feel to be on Spring Break, please, let's just take a moment of silence to reflect on how it makes us all feel. Ready? Ok... ... ... ... ... Are you smiling, too?
I will, however, talk about all the stuff I am getting done over Spring Break. Most of which is yard work. Monday, I did yard work. Tuesday, I did yard work. And today? You guessed it! Yard work. It's a good thing I like ____ _____. I've also been enjoying...
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What.A.Day... and new product!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, March 20, 2012,
Firstly, let me say that I blog for my sanity. It isn't so much about sharing my ideas and methods about teaching, as sharing how I feel and think about teaching. Sure, I can show you all the things I enjoy making and doing in our little room, but what I really love about blogging is the freedom to say how I feel. So, if you're looking for a blog that will give you tons of ideas to use in your classroom, look elsewhere. BUT if you want to feel like there's a person who knows what you're going...
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FREEBIE! (for now)

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, March 10, 2012,
Remember how I said I got TONS of cleaning and organizing done while Student Teacher was here? Well, in the midst of all that cleaning I found a set of one of my all time favorite things: dominoes. I love dominoes! I have seen so many math games people have created to use them in their classrooms and, earlier this year I had ordered some with some of the monies we get from the school... well, much to my dismay, they never came. Nope. Lost? Weren't actually ordered? I have no clue, but come th...
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Who are you and what have you done with my kids?

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, March 8, 2012,
Seriously, I thought it would never come. I figured I would just be riding this year out as a glorified babysitter. And then, 18 lightbulbs began to flicker, ever so slightly, and in a flash of light came on at once. Here it is MARCH and I have finally began to feel an overwhelming sense of pride, joy, and love for my 18 babies. I loved them back in August... because I had to. Now, I want to. I look at them and I smile. Instead of wanting to smack them, I want to squeeze them. Instead of want...
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Student teacher's last day and a new mini book

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, March 3, 2012,
Well, sweet student teacher is gone. We sent her out with a bang, though. She was't going to leave without a 'jar full of smiles,' a framed and matted picture of our babies that we all signed, a tribute video, a sweet card, and a surprise party consisting of party hats, oreos, pringles, peeps, and grape kool-aid. It was a perfect day for a wonderful addition to the teaching profession. I wish her the very best!

So, this morning after the weekly sweeping, mopping, and decluttering session, I s...
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New mini foldable book!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, February 25, 2012,

I know it has been a while since posted last... I'll blame it onthis website. I have been trying my best to create my own clutter free classroom. Ugh. It's not easy. I've only been teaching five years and my room was beginning to get a little cramped. The discovery of this site has coincided with my student teacher coming and has definitely worked in her favor! All that old or barely used cra... err, stuff has been parking itself in a nice corner box for student teacher to take with her when ...

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Experimental freebie!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Sunday, February 12, 2012,
Alright, folks. I've been feeling some creative juices today. To prove it, I've uploaded a freebie to my TpT store! I've seen lots of little foldable books to review certain skills and thought, "I can do that!" So, I did. This is my first one and I have already started on some others based on things my kids need to review. One of things they need to review is using quotation marks. I know, "Why the heck does a second grader need to know how to use those!?" I wonder the same thing... and the b...
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Fly on the wall

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, February 9, 2012,
Student Teacher is in full take over mode. I knew this week would come, and it has been as hard as I thought it would be to just sit back and shut up. How do you watch that kid cutting stuff into shreds inside his desk, the kid passing notes, the one about to eat a paper clip, and the other that already sliced his finger open because he was playing with the scissors and NOT say anything?! Eesh. It's been rough. BUT Student Teacher is doing an awesome job and it has been a blast to watch her g...
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Taking the leap!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, February 2, 2012,

Mr. has been on evening shift the past two weeks (blugh, gag, sniffle, tear, whine). BUT all this alone time has given me plenty of opportunities to get bored up to my eyeballs and get creative. Which is why I started a teacherspayteachers account! WOOT! I started it last week and already had one purchase! So, I am $2.70 richer than I was a week ago... yeah, doesn't sound like much, but two dollars never sounded so exciting to me before! HAHA! Check out my stuff in my store, please!
Tonight I'...

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Super Powers! Bending Light

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, January 24, 2012,

Student teacher has taken over science for the past two weeks. It's been great watching her get to have fun with my babies and they have loved all her lessons. Today was no different. Our engery unit is always exciting and I'm glad that Student Teacher has gotten to come in during this part of the year. One of my favorite things to do during this unit when talking about light energy is give the kids a flashlight and a mirror and tell them to shine their flashlight beam onto the wall WITHOUT p...

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Where are my glasses?

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, January 21, 2012,
Where are my glasses? My rose colored glasses, that is. You know, the ones you put on in your Early Childhood Education classes. The ones that make you see everything you want it to be. The ones that let you see how you can change the world one kid at a time. The ones that help you put a smile on your face when you enter your room every morning because you know that today is the day lightbulbs will come on, dreams will be made, and future leaders will be taught. You have a pair of those, righ...
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We make it snow even when the sun shines...

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, January 14, 2012,
Oh yes. It snowed today. Inside, even. Ok. Not really. BUT we did have a snowball fight in our little room today. "Stop lying!" you say? Well, it did! However, our snow was not made of ice crystals... it was made of paper. I've told you before, in the great state of Georgia we just don't get that much snow and we have to get creative if we want any type of winter fun. So, when IzzyShare's Facebook status asked what folks did on their indoor recess days and someone responded with "snowball fig...
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Just what I needed

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Wednesday, January 11, 2012,

"The Lord works in mysterious ways." Something we've heard people say all our lives. Well, today it was so apparent to me how the good Lord has been working in my little life. As I watched Mrs. M, the student teacher, interact with the kids, take over the little jobs I've given her, and listened to her ideas, I couldn't help but be reminded of myself five and a half years ago when I was in her shoes. It's like a breath of fresh air. This year has been so hard. I have said that several times t...

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Student Teacher is here!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, January 10, 2012,

I get super nervous, can't sleep, feel nauseated, and get irritable when things are about to change. So, when I got the news that I, a FIVE year teacher (yes, practically an amateur), was getting a 40 year old student teacher, I freaked out a little bit. I couldn't sleep last night, felt sick, nervous, and, yup, I got irritable. I was to the point that I needed a good slapping. Every one I asked refused to do so, however, I'm pretty sure they secretly wanted to.
Well, the newest member to our...

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Snow much fun!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, January 7, 2012,

We've had snow much fun this week! Not that it snowed. It didn't. Hailing from the great state of Georgia, I learned young that snow is a rarity. My babies know this as well. I mean, if you want to see some folks go crazy, you send some Southern folks a good snow. It doesn't matter if it's just a light dusting. School is cancelled and wet, soggy, dirty snow angels are made. So the best way to enjoy snow every year, because we love it so well, is to make our own. And that's just what we did ...

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Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, January 6, 2012,
Sweet baby Jesus! I have been trying for a WHOLE WEEK to make my own blog button. I have had button envy every time I see someone's cute little button displayed for all to grab. Well, after many searches, handfulls of pulled hair, and a light bulb moment, I finally did it! PRAISE THE LORD! I can now let my hair grow back... unless it doesn't work and then I'll just pull it out all over again. Eeesh.

For anyone else interested, here is the site that saved my life. Reading the comments was a hu...
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This Year, Choose Fun

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Monday, January 2, 2012,
Glitter. Glitter is awesome. It's fun. It sparkles. It shines. It shimmers. It makes something as ugly and prickly as a pine cone look lovely. However, I know several teachers (myself included) that wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Why? Because it's messy. If it spills, well... we rather not go there. It sticks all over you, I mean, Lord help you if you touch your face when you use it (you know nobody's going to tell you it's on your forehead). Ugh, glitter. But what about the possibil...
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Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, December 23, 2011,
Wow! I didn't realize just how long it has been since I blogged last! I had attempted to blog once last week to sing the praises of ClassDojo. The site that was my only saving grace during those few days before the long awaited Christmas Break. I had typed a wonderfully witty and fun entry about how wonderful ClassDojo was/is and how every one should try it with their classes, blah, blah, blah, and hit the OK button to post... and... yeah, not sure what happened, but I am PRETTY sure the Devi...
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Math and the Advent Calendar: A perfect pair!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, December 8, 2011,
I suscribe to the NRich newsletter. This site provides tons of math puzzlers and problem solving strategies for all levels of mathematics. This week's newsletter included an advent calendar. Behind every little train "door" is a different activity to do with your class. This morning I started with Day 1. I know, a little late, but at least I'll get six more days in before the break! Day 1 is enough on it's own to get you hooked. The kids absolutely had a blast trying to figure it out. And I h...
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Posted by Amateur Teacher on Monday, November 28, 2011,
Well, the past week has been eventful with lots o' food, fun, and family! Needless to say, it was somewhat rough rolling out of the bed this morning to head back to work. I admit, I had a bad attitude, but I prayed for strength, put a smile on my face, and slid into my most fav-o-rite socks... you know, the ones with the Abominable Snow Monster (the one from Rudolph) on the top for all to see. I sported those bad boys with pride today and every time I looked at them I couldn't help but smile ...
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Talk about thankful

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, November 17, 2011,
Folks, we had a tornado touch down today. It hit our high school, our jail, our agriculture arena, the humane society, and several houses. Not to mention it burst a gas line at the alternative school which is a hop, skip, and a jump away from our little school. We were in the wing closest to the action. So, we spent the last half of our day huddled in a little heap in the hallway with threats of a tornado above us and flammable gas around us. Exciting, huh?
At times like that I look at my bab...
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It just isn't Thanksgiving unless...

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, November 15, 2011,

THAT'S RIGHT! Thanksgiving just wouldn't be complete unless you let your kids make a hand turkey! Our latest math standard and unit we're working on is measurement. Well, my new(ish) teacher neighbor had her kids trace their hands and measure their fingers. "Hmmm..." I thought. "That's really cute!" And then I thought, "HOLD THE PHONE! IT'S THANKSGIVING! DUH, WE HAVE TO MAKE HAND TURKEYS!" So, hand turkeys we made and the kids loved it. Not to mention they got great practice measuring with in...

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Mama Bear

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, November 11, 2011,
I have been in my classroom for one and a half days this week. Yep. I had high hopes for my substitute, too. I was told it would be Mrs. K. Mrs. K is funny, friendly, and takes no crap. Well, Tuesday I got back to school after an all day workshop to find that my sub had been Mrs. H. EVEN BETTER! She followed my plans beautifully and handled the kids perfectly. This one good day made me think that the next half day I had to be out for yet another workshop would be just as good. Again, I though...
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Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, November 4, 2011,
I hate a worksheet. Though some serve as awesome review and summarizing lessons, I pretty much only do them when I am desperate for a grade. I inherited an awesome book called Alternatives to Worksheets when I was a first year teacher and, boy, have I dog-eared those pages! Well, when you get a class whose number one question is, "Can I draw now?" and your number one answer is usually, "N.O." then it's time to break out the boredom busting foldables book.
Most of my Book Clubs (what we call o...
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Out of the mouths of babes...

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, November 3, 2011,
We hear a lot of things from our students. Fart noises, curse words, what their mamas and daddies did last night, you name it, there is absolutely nothing that can't be said... until they get in trouble and realize that they shouldn't have said it in the first place. Then, there's the funnies: "What do you call those brown tomatoes that grow in the ground?" "You mean potatoes?" "OH! Is that what you call them?!" Or "Why do zombies eat brains?" "Oh, I know! It's 'cause they're DUMMIES!" Sheesh...
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No way!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Wednesday, November 2, 2011,
Remember the other day when I said I still feel like a new teacher? Well, today I feel like a blessed new teacher. My wonderful school family decided that measly little ol' me should be Teacher of the Year. *insert squeal here* I am beyond honored. I could barely eat my congratulatory cake for shaking and crying. (I am quite a blubber-er) I still don't quite know how to feel or act or what to say. I am just so very thankful and so very proud. Being a teacher is the hardest thing anyone can do...
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Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, November 1, 2011,
I have a confession to make. I h... I ha... I HATE grading. I hate grading anything. Not that I don't believe in grading because I do. I just absolutely despise the task of spending my evenings, weekends, lunchtime, you name any other free time, grading papers. However, I have lately been on a checklist frenzy. I love checklists. When ever you've done a bunch of cutesy projects in class and realize you have no Social Studies or Science grades for all those projects you've done. You then reali...
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New teachers, clothespins, and the best idea EVAH

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Sunday, October 30, 2011,

This is my fifth year teaching. Although it still FEELS like I am, I can now say I am not new anymore. I have my own set of routines and procedures that are unique to my little room, I can run with the "big dogs" on my team (aka veteran teachers), I know what I want to keep and throw away each year, etc. BUT with that said, I still love to try new things. Even better, is the addition of a for real new teacher on our team last year. This is her second year now and she, too, has become comforta...

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Happy fall, y'all!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Friday, October 28, 2011,

I have to say, one of my absolute favorite things about working with kids is seeing their art work. Sometimes the end of the school day consists of our team meeting in the hallway to giggle at our sweeties' artistic endeavors. I have a few to share with you today. Yesterday, we made pumkin glyphs. Each student got a leaf and then, according to what their leaf was like, that's how they drew their pumpkin. The size of their leaf determined what color they would use to draw their mouth, eyes, an...

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Sometimes it's like that...

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, October 27, 2011,

About two weeks ago I had to delete my blog page and build another due to techy stuff I wasn't quite smart enough to figure out. It made me very sad as I started that blog the beginning of last year. Let me tell you, last year was H-E-A-V-E-N. The best class I had ever had. All but for "that one kid." But even now I see him in the hallway and think, "What I wouldn't give to have him back." I see my kids from last year and sigh and wish... which may be why that stupid problem happened that mad...

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Can't beat 'em...

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Wednesday, October 26, 2011,
As much as I would like to be a crabby negative teacher, my incurable optimism always wins out (thank goodness). So, no matter how many times I rolled my eyes and growled at the stupid Red Ribbon Week Schedule, I have still found myself going right along with it with a smile. Today was silly/mix-match sock day. Actually, I kind of like this one since it gave me the opportunity to wear my two favorite socks in the whole wide world. And wear them I did... with a dress... for everyone to see.
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Greedy teacher

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Tuesday, October 25, 2011,
Teachers are greedy. And this one is no exception. You want to give something away? We'll be all over it like vultures. With no shame either. So, when the local high school begins offering students as teacher cadets (aka an extra pair of hands), there's nothing left but to say, "YES, PLEASE!" Of course, some cadets are only there to get out of doing actual highschool work, but this year, I can use any extra body to tap a kid on the shoulder and tell them to get busy. Thankfully, the group I h...
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It's all fun and games until...

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Monday, October 24, 2011,
There is a certain teacher-student bonding that occurs on the playground. I figure that, as long as I am able, I should play with my babies every once and a while. Well, I had promised my girl students on Friday that I would help them across the monkey bars "tomorrow". Of course I forgot that "tomorrow" was Saturday. Well, here we are on Monday and did they forget? Nope. So, down to the monkey bars we went. I will tell you now that helping flailing second graders is not for sissies. Thankfull...
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Posted by Amateur Teacher on Saturday, October 22, 2011,
Since today is Saturday and I have spent the majority of the day at my alma mater's homecoming festivities, I am relaxed enough to share the week's happenings. Let me share it in a list:

1. Short week due to Fall Break. FABULOUS.
2. Still have a crying kid, but she only cried once this week. HALLELUJAH.
3. One of my sweeter babies got mad and ran out of the lunchroom and hid from me... yeah.
4. One student decided this was the week to see just how often he could fart and burp in front of the rest...
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Happy Birthday

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Thursday, October 20, 2011,
I do believe that half my class was born in October... which means we have had cupcakes Thursday, Friday, and today. HOLY MOLEY. I hate cupcakes.  
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Fall Break!

Posted by Amateur Teacher on Monday, October 17, 2011,

Bad news: I totally had to overwrite my old "Fly on the wall" tab because something funky happened with my computer. I have people fooled into thinking I am some tech saavy teacher... *insert head shaking here,* but alas, I am a self-taught amateur at best. I get by, and can help others, but most of the time it's by accident. So, I could only figure out that something was wrong with the HTML code that I had typed or pasted into one of my previous posts, which meant that it basically messed up...

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About Me

Amateur Extraordinaire I was born to a farmer and a farmer's daughter. I, however, was just a tiny little thing when my parents had to move from their farm. All my life I heard stories of "the farm" and the life they had there. From a young age, I knew I would have my own one day. While it is far from the farm my daddy had, my Mister and I bought our first place in August of 2011. Sitting on six acres is a homestead we're making into our own slice of heaven on earth. Follow along as we stake our claim on this piece of earth the LORD has entrusted to us.
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