My Daddy's Daughter

July 15, 2012
I'm the baby. No, let me type that a different way. I'm The Baby. That's what my Daddy calls me. That, or Teacher Girl, but The Baby came first. I had to get that out there because now I have a story to tell. It might take a while, so bear with me.

Last night I went with some friends of mine to a livestock auction. We. Had. A. Blast. No kidding. But there was one thing that struck me while we were there. It had hardly anything to do with the auction... it had to do with memories and a little boy. 

I noticed a little boy in the row of metal folding chairs across from us. He was with his mama. And you could tell that while his mama was there for other animals, he was there for a bunny. I didn't realize this until the twentieth crate full of bunnies was plopped down on the auction block. The look on that little boy's face as he looked at his mama and then at those bunnies was absolutely priceless. There was no look of selfishness in it. There was nothing bratty about that kid. There was only expectation, excitement, and a confidence that he would walk away with a bunny thanks to his mama. Then, in an instant I was jolted back to my own experience with my parents, an auction, and a sheep. 

When I was a kid my parents let me take dance. It wasn't that I got bored with it, it's just that I was ready to move on to something else... and that something else was 4-H and sheep. My parents didn't have a lot of money, but that didn't stop them from encouraging my siblings and me to follow our dreams. 

I remember going to sheep auctions, anticipating the moment when my Daddy would finally bid on one, and getting that first sheep. I loved that thing. It was a huge responsibility and I knew that I better take care of it or I would let my Mama and my Daddy down. Especially my Daddy. He always told us, "We do not strive for mediocrity." And it didn't matter what we did, if we said we were going to do it, then we better do it to the very best of our ability or else. 

I don't know what exactly possessed me to want a sheep and show it in 4-H competitions. I believe it was mostly that I wanted to be like my Daddy. You see, my Daddy was a farmer. A real farmer. And while my family comes from 300 years of farming, the fact that my Daddy was a farmer makes me beam with pride. I was just a baby when my Daddy had to give up his farm. While the rest of my family has memories of living there, I've always just sat and listened to their stories with a tinge of envy. It sounded like the greatest place on earth. And I know my Daddy loved it. 

As a kid I helped my Daddy with all sorts of chores. Whether he was working on the house, chopping wood, or putting in a garden, I was there. I was his right hand 'man.' And I loved every minute of it. It made me feel like a true country girl, the farmer's daughter, you name it. "One day, you'll have a man to tell you're too pretty to do this kind of work," he would say. I would just laugh, because deep down, I never wanted to be too pretty to do that kind of work. I wanted to show my Daddy I could do it and I could be like him and make him proud of me. My most favorite memory of working with my Daddy came when we were stacking firewood. The logs would hit the black, wet dirt and land with a thud. "Oh, Daddy, I love that smell!" "What's that baby?" "That dirt. It smells so good." "Oh, baby, me, too. You make me want to cry." I fell in love with my Daddy, the Farmer, that day. And it made me bound and determined to have what he had, if only a small fraction of it. I knew I would grow up and have a little homestead. Not a farm. My Daddy had a farm... and little house on six acres is not a farm. 

So, as I sat there with all that yelling and barn noise around me all I could do was watch that little boy and smile with tears in my eyes thinking of my Daddy, his love for me, and that I am the most blessed girl in the world to be his daughter. He has taught me so much about life, about living and loving, and that hard work is the best work. I love you, Daddy, so very much. 

Bugs, technology, and those stinkin' goats

July 12, 2012

You know that feeling when you've completed your blog post and you want to change one tiny thing and you end up clicking something you didn't mean to and it erases the whole thing? Yeah? Good. Then you know how I feel right now. Let me just start over. Eesh.

Yesterday, I read this post over at On Just a Couple Acres about killing squash bugs. Now, if the words bug and kill are in the same title, then I want to read it. And not until I read this post did I realize what was eating my squash plan...

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Zucchini overload... and a sneak peek!

July 11, 2012

I love zucchini. It just may be my favorite vegetable. It is so versatile and adds great moistness and flavor to any dish. So, when I discovered ANOTHER giant zucchini this week (you'd think I would learn to lift those leaves by now) I decided it was time to do more than just the ol' saute method. I ended up with four cups of shredded zucchini from this one bad boy. I was able to make two loaves of zucchini bread and a recipe of zucchini patties with it! Look! It measured 12 and a half inches...

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Pick a peck of pickled peppers

July 9, 2012
I'm not exactly sure what a "peck" is, but dang I've got peppers running out of my ears! I've stuffed them into peaches, I've put them in with my stewed tomatoes, and I've given some to my Daddy, who loves anything spicy. I still have left overs! My Mister loves hot and spicy things, too. I mean, he did marry me, didn't he? Heehee. I know, I'm too much. 

Well, Mister requested that I pickle some. So, I turned to the Blue Book for help. I already messed up some cucumber pickles since I didn't h...
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Tomatoes and okra... together at last

July 7, 2012

First, before I tell you allll about my latest canning adventure, allow me some advertising time. Amy over at Homestead Revival is doing a Sizzling Summer Give-Away each day until July 14th! I've loved getting up everyday and running to see what she's posting next. The best part is reading about bloggers and vendors I've never heard of before. Today's give away is from Timber Press. Head over to the Homestead Revival to check it out!

This week I canned bacon, hotdogs (I know, why in heaven...

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Fitness Friday

July 6, 2012

Ew. Fitness. NO! Don't think that way! Fitness is a great thing, right!? I have a short fitness tip today. As a matter of fact that's what my tip is! Being fast, squeezing in a workout when you can, and filling little time slots throughout the day with a mini-workout. You can easily burn 100 calories in as little as ten minutes. Not only that, but you can bust up those ten minutes and do a little here and there. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's a start. Getting a little workout in ...

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You know it's summer...

June 30, 2012

when your counter has a watermelon and peanuts on it! Oh, yes! Summer isn't summer without watermelons and boiled peanuts. My mister brought both home this week. Well, he brought home green peanuts, which he promptly put in the boiler and babied for a couple of days. Then, since he thinks I'm Wonder Woman (I try to tell him I'm not, but he just won't believe me) he wanted me to can them.

Now, if you've ever store bought boiled peanuts you hate them. Or at least you should, because...

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Fitness Friday: Strut your stuff

June 29, 2012
Now that we're alllll out for summer, hopefully (please, don't tell me there are still some of you out there still teaching!), we should all have the time to start an exercise routine. Summer is a great time to start. My best advice I can give you is start doing something you enjoy and do it at the time you would do it even if you were in school. Go ahead, imagine you were still busy as ever teaching, and think of a time you could squeeze in fitness. If you start now, then you won't have an e...
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June 27, 2012
I. am. addicted. Yes! There, I admit it! I am addicted to teaching blogs... and homesteading blogs (I love those, too). I'd rather peruse blogs than watch tv. Seriously. I hardly watch tv. Who has the time when there are awesome sites like Teaching Blog Addict and Teaching Blog Central out there?

Those two blogs provide links to a countless number of resources created by fellow teachers. Sometimes, I think I'm the worst teacher in the world after reading some of these blogs! How can people so...
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Monday Motivation

June 25, 2012

How about some motivation this Monday? I know it's summer and a lot of us have finally finished up our 2011-2012 school year, but some of us (like me) may have had a tough year. So, I thought, "Hey! Why not post a little something something for encouragement?!" I know, I know. I am sooooo amazing. Yeah, right.

Anyways, how many of you out there have a shelf devoted to teachery things people have given you as gifts? How many of you ever look at that shelf? How many of you see little devotionals...

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About Me

Amateur Extraordinaire I was born to a farmer and a farmer's daughter. I, however, was just a tiny little thing when my parents had to move from their farm. All my life I heard stories of "the farm" and the life they had there. From a young age, I knew I would have my own one day. While it is far from the farm my daddy had, my Mister and I bought our first place in August of 2011. Sitting on six acres is a homestead we're making into our own slice of heaven on earth. Follow along as we stake our claim on this piece of earth the LORD has entrusted to us.
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1st, 2nd - English Language Arts, Math, Curriculum & Instruction -

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