Fitness Friday... eesh

May 12, 2012
Friday was Field Day. Really, I could stop my blog right there. Does more really need to be said? If you've been following me this year, then you know it's been a tough year. I thought, "We're going to be outside all day. There's no way we can't have a good time!" Boy, was I w-r-o-n-g. It was the worst. Horrible. Terrible. No good. Very bad. I felt like Alexander. They fought over who won, they fought over who had the ball, over who didn't have the ball, over who got looked at wrong, over calling names... kicking, slapping, whining, you name it, they did it. At least three kids rotated not being able to play with us throughout the day. I had one kid crying before 9:00 because I told her to put her book bag away! (I'm pretty sure I might start growing horns as I type)

I know, I know, this is supposed to be a post about fitness, not a post about pitching a fit over how terrible field day was. So, did you know that 45 minutes of playing with kids can burn over 200 calories? That's a lot! That burns off that Coke you drank for breakfast (yeah, you know you did). A walk around the playground, with little running challenge spurts from students, helping them on the monkey bars, swinging, tag, duck, duck, goose... think of all the games that you could participate in with your kids! Do it! Burn some calories! I know recess is a time you want to sit down an relax, but think of the burst of energy you get when working out. It would be enough to get you through the day until that last bus pulls away... I wonder if there are extra calories burned if you're irritated to the max as you play... hmm... If so, I probably burned an extra hundred calories today. OK, OK, sorry! I'll get over it!

To top it all off we got our CRCT scores back. Woopty do! That's a post for another day!

Mothers Day and madness

May 10, 2012

Ok, so this is my FOURTH attempt at blogging tonight! My computer has been extremely uncooperative or who knows what reason and it has me ready to pitch a glorified fit! AGH! *insert fists and scowl and gritted teeth here.* I think Someone may be trying to teach me a lesson in patience... which is something that is in VERY short supply these last seven days of school. But, besides complain about how HORRIBLE my day was, I really wanted to show you the Mothers Day craft we got done in less tha...
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Fitness Friday... er, Monday?

May 8, 2012
Ok, ok, so I totally forgot about my promise to have a fitness Friday. Mostly because I was busy playing in the garden Friday. Which leads me to my fitness tip! GARDENING! It's spring time and everyone wants to be outside. It's also time for people to put the finishing touches on their gardens. Why not make it part of your fitness routine? Did you know that raking and digging can burn up to 500 calories an hour?! How about that?
So if you want to trade in your spandex for a spade for a day or...
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Paint, splinters, and Class! Yes!

May 4, 2012
We've been dumpster diving the last two weeks. Seriously. In honor of Earth Day (which is a holiday I totally think is bogus-that's just my two cents, but I'm not going there), we read The Lorax. And in honor of The Lorax, we have been recycling, reducing, and reusing our trash to make our own little Seuss-villes. Milk cartons, juice boxes, toilet paper rolls, you name it, are all in the process of being transformed into little towns complete with community buildings, houses, water sources, f...
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Fitness Friday: Strength in numbers

April 28, 2012
Call it cliche, but there truly is strength in numbers. The more people joining a cause the more change they can make. I've mentioned before that our school does a "Biggest Loser" contest. It was to last until the week before Spring Break. Now that Spring Break has come and gone, several of those "losers" ease back into their pre-loser lifestyles. But when you have people to hold you accountable for what you do and what you put in your mouth, it's easier to stick to the goals you make.

My tea...
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See!? I told you it was going to be great!

April 27, 2012
Shhh... don't tell, but I'm supposed to be trying to conquer this mound of papers. Ugh, I haven't gotten this far behind in grading since, since, since... yeah, you get my point. A goal I have been succeeding at this year was staying on top of grades. Not this week. Not this girl. Nope. I mean, I haven't even rolled out of bed before 6:05 in two weeks. And, if you know me, that is L-A-T-E. However, that is what the last three weeks of school does to you. It makes you do things you wouldn't no...
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Fitness Friday

April 20, 2012
So, I'm thinking for motivation on days I don't feel like blogging, I'll make a goal to have at least one themed day a week. I'm going to start this goal with a Fitness Friday. Our school does a Biggest Loser competition and ours just ended the week before Spring Break. I don't know why I joined, exactly. I am 5' 1" and weigh a whopping 130 lbs. short and stocky to say the least. I have never been an athletic person, but I have loved playing sports all my life... it's just with a 5' 1" frame,...
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Lord, help us

April 18, 2012
I know I'm not the only teacher going to bed at 8 o'clock tonight. It just isn't possible. If you had a day like mine, then you are counting down the minutes to the most reasonable, unembarrass-ing time to hit the sack. Truth is, I AM EXHAUSTED. Like, can't hold my head up exhausted, have a headache exhausted, somebody asked me to attend an after school meeting in their stead and I wanted to cry right then and there exhausted, or the next kid that touches me is going to get a black eye exhaus...
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Draw then write... then watch the teacher pull her hair out

April 17, 2012
No, not really... although it is quite tempting at times after reading your little sweeties' rough drafts and thinking to yourself, "Seriously? You are in second grade and you use the word "good" in every flippin' sentence? You are eight for crying out loud! Where's your imagination?!" Oi. And now that the end of school is almost out getting them to write anything besides their name is a miraculous event in and of itself.
To make this easier on all of us, I pulled out an old book I "inherited...
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Springy Things

April 4, 2012
I am on Spring Break this week. And instead of going on about how it makes me feel to be on Spring Break, please, let's just take a moment of silence to reflect on how it makes us all feel. Ready? Ok... ... ... ... ... Are you smiling, too?
I will, however, talk about all the stuff I am getting done over Spring Break. Most of which is yard work. Monday, I did yard work. Tuesday, I did yard work. And today? You guessed it! Yard work. It's a good thing I like ____ _____. I've also been enjoying...
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About Me

Amateur Extraordinaire I was born to a farmer and a farmer's daughter. I, however, was just a tiny little thing when my parents had to move from their farm. All my life I heard stories of "the farm" and the life they had there. From a young age, I knew I would have my own one day. While it is far from the farm my daddy had, my Mister and I bought our first place in August of 2011. Sitting on six acres is a homestead we're making into our own slice of heaven on earth. Follow along as we stake our claim on this piece of earth the LORD has entrusted to us.
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1st, 2nd - English Language Arts, Math, Curriculum & Instruction -

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