I am on Spring Break this week. And instead of going on about how it makes me feel to be on Spring Break, please, let's just take a moment of silence to reflect on how it makes us all feel. Ready? Ok... ... ... ... ... Are you smiling, too?
I will, however, talk about all the stuff I am getting done over Spring Break. Most of which is yard work. Monday, I did yard work. Tuesday, I did yard work. And today? You guessed it! Yard work. It's a good thing I like ____ _____. I've also been enjoying tiptoeing out to the screened in porch where our new little chicks are hiding out in the brooder. I could very well sit all day and watch them peep and scratch and snuggle up to one another... but there's too much ___ ____ to be done.
I successfully pulled every weed in the spot where I want my herb garden to go... weeds that have been growing since we moved in last August. It took A WHILE. This morning I got all my little sweet seeds planted for said herb garden and told myself that I should take a break, eat some lunch, blog, and then tackle planting all the vegetable seeds in the big garden. Well, that's when I found THIS! Are you ready for it? Are you? Here it is:

It's a BEAN TEEPEE! AH! Do you know who is about to get her tail outside and make one of these bad boys? That's right! This girl! I mean, seriously? Who wouldn't want of these in their garden? I may not have kids, but I have a nephew who needs for his aunt to have a bean teepee for him to come play in.
Do you have a garden? Does it need a teepee? I think yes! Hopefully, in a few months I'll have my own to show y'all! Here's the site for instructions.

And here's a picture of the garden I'm working with ( and my sweet Jessie Belle, she was having a hard time being still): Happy Spring Break y'all!